The subject relates to current debates in Europe as well as the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. It aims to contribute to the discussion of a sense of a European identity and connects it to the meeting place: Köszeg, Hungary - close to the Austrian border.
Papers for presentations and workshops evolving around the topic can be submitted by 15 December 2017. Presentations should be 25 or 55 minutes long, workshop sessions 55 or 125 minutes.
Possible questions to shape the paper are:
- How can we consider different collective (religious, national, local, ethnic…) identities?
- Is there a 'European identity' mirrored by 'European heritage'?
- How should we cope with social aspects (education, wealth, gender,…) linked to people’s identities?
- How can we address humanist values such as non-discrimination and human dignity?
- How can we encourage people to reflect upon heritage sites from different perspectives?
- How does interpretation alter the way identity constructs are passed on or questioned?
- Are there different identity constructs east and west of the former Iron Curtain?
- How do encounters with natural heritage shape the identity of people?
Further information about the requirements and deadlines, can be found on the conference website.