Veronika Liebl

Veronika Liebl is currently Managing Director at the department Festival/Prix/Exhibitions of Ars Electronica. She has an interdisciplinary background in non-profit and innovation management. Since 2011 she is in charge of cultural management and European project development at Ars Electronica Linz and serves as a member for the Linz’ city culture council and Linz’ UNESCO City of Media Arts Executive Board.

She leads Ars Electronica’s European collaboration projects in the field of culture, research & education and developed, launched as well as executed in this position numerous EU projects such as the STARTS Prize, DOORS (Digital Incubator for Museums) or the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab. 

At NEMO’s European Museum Conference 2022, Veronika Liebl will share a professional failure with us in the session “Failing upwards” on Tuesday 11 October.