She conducted several projects working with socially excluded groups: persons who are experiencing homelessness (“Diseño contra la pobreza” 2009-2010), persons with addiction who are in rehab related collectivities (“Enganchados al arte” 2012-2015), persons living with mental illnesses “Arte y Salud Mental” 2015-2018) and persons who are incarcerated (one exhibition in 2015 and another in 2018).
She has published papers about environmental suitability, participated in the conference “Diseño social hoy: los ODS de la Agenda 2030” in May 2020 and led a professional workshop on Climate Action in December 2019. 2019/12/11).
At NEMO’s European Museum Conference 2022, Paloma Muñoz-Campos will share a professional failure with us in the session “Failing upwards” on Tuesday 11 October.