Olga combines research and hands-on practice when designing long-term multi-constituent programmes aimed at ecosystemic advancement of museums. Currently she is a research curator of the Future Museum practice-based research project, contributor to the Museum Innovation Barometer and is designing incubation programme for the DOORS: Digital Incubator for Museums project (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme).
Trained as an art-historian (CUNY, NYC), her long-term research focuses on art institutions as a medium and artistic forms of knowledge production. Former Fulbright scholar and Edmund S. Muskie Fellow.
PS: a passionate bookworm, an explorer of institutional formats and a fast talker
At NEMO’s European Museum Conference 2022, Olga Tykhonova will join the session “Destination innovation” on Tuesday 11 October.
Boosting innovability
Presentation abstract
With this short intro I'd like to create the premises for us to think about Innovability, the vulnerability and beauty of shared knowledge production and why prioritising collaboration over competition is crucial for the sustainable future of the museum sector. Beyond the rhetoric of well-meaning, this input will offer a glimpse into the projects that are moving from the what is, to the what if and will rather be an invitation to further discuss what support structures and architecture of collaboration we need for such a future-making practice.