The fourth Europeana Research Grants Programme welcomes proposals for events that bring together cultural heritage professionals…
From 10-11 October 2019, the NEMO Working Group LEM - the Learning Museum is meeting in Budapest and Szentendre, Hungary, for its…
NEMO has issued a call for a research that will identify EU funding for projects focused on, or linked to, museums in the Member States of Europe in the period 2014-2017. The research should be finalized by 20 August 2019 and NEMO…
The cross-sectoral strand of Creative Europe has issued a call for projects that test new and cross-sectoral business approaches to funding distribution and monetising creation. The hope is to foster policy development,…
In the course of two lectures and a workshop, the participants will get to learn how to tap into museums’ soft power and explore ways to create first steps towards a happiness-focused museum. The training takes place on 27…
The United Nations Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights invites people to contribute to the current study on “Cultural rights and public space” by filling out a questionnaire.
The next NEMO Learning Exchange will take place from 26-29 June 2019 in Budapest and Szentendre, Hungary. While emerging in the topic of “The Solidary Museum: Museum Programs Addressing Social Responsibility”, the participants…
An open call for applications to join the Cultural Heritage Forum has been launched. Apply by Tuesday 21 May 2019 to be part of maintaining the spirit of cooperation and policy dialogue that was achieved during the European Year…
The 27th edition of NEMO’s European Museum Conference will focus on the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. By inspiring museums and other cultural institutions to step it up and dare to take action, NEMO wants to…