In this photograph a person takes a photo of a colourful and abstract installation using a tablet. The photo shows only their hands.
Joint statement on the EU public consultation…

In a statement NEMO, Culture Action Europe, ViMM and Michael Culture Association make important additions to the public consultation, which by no means cover all aspects of digital cultural heritage. NEMO also urged museums to use…

Contribute to the digital future of museums by joining two consultation workshops

In two consultation workshops on 15 and 16 September, inDICEs - Measuring the Impact of Digital Culture will gather knowledge and…

inDICEs: Enhancing the impact of digital cultural heritage

inDICEs invites to its first online training on 15 and 16 September 2020. The workshops are free of charge and will map the needs…

Map of digital responses by museums during the Coronavirus pandemic

Chiara Zuanni, University of Graz, has gathered data on museums’ digital activities during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The project…

 Screenshot of zoom meeting with multiple people.
First general assembly of Horizon 2020…

From 16-17 July 2020, NEMO joined the first general assembly of the project InDICES - Measuring the Impact of Digital Culture. Project partners from around Europe joined the online meeting to discuss the work conducted during the…

 Four people are sitting in a gallery space. All four are wearing goggles and headphones and they are experiencing some kind of virtual reality art.
NEMO report on digitisation and copyright

In order to identify challenges that museums in Europe encounter when digitising their collections and establishing online access to them, NEMO conducted a survey on digitisation and copyright. The findings and recommendations…

 In this photograph a person takes a photo of a colourful and abstract installation using a tablet. The photo shows only their hands.
Public consultation on digital access to…

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on digital access to European cultural heritage. The online consultation is open for contributions until 14 September 2020.

NEMO spoke at a European web conference on the value and use of 3D digital…

On 27 May 2020, NEMO was invited to speak at the online conference “3D digital cultural heritage for resilience, recovery and…

 Screenshot of zoom meeting.
NEMO as special guest speaker at a digital…

On 5 May 2020, NEMO joined the virtual meting of the expert group on Group on Digital Cultural Heritage and Europeana (DCHE). The seventh meeting dealt with digital for cultural heritage during and after the crisis. NEMO presented…