A survey by the Netherlands Museums Association indicates that one out of four Dutch museums are in danger of closing permanently within the next year due to financial losses connected to COVID-19. The Museums Association demands…
The UK government has announced a £1.57 billion rescue package for culture, arts and heritage. The UK Museums Association welcomes…
Chiara Zuanni, University of Graz, has gathered data on museums’ digital activities during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The project…
At the invitation of ICOM Russia, NEMO joined the roundtable talk “Museums in the Era of Crisis: Strong and Vulnerable”, which…
The Books and Audiences Network group is organising two free webinars for people interested in book and literature exhibitions and…
On 9 May 2020, the European Heritage Alliance released the Manifesto “Cultural Heritage: a powerful catalyst for the future of…
On 6 July 2020, NEMO gave a presentation at the online conference “Museums in times of COVID19 - Challenges, re-evaluations, perspectives”. The conference, which was organised by the Georgian Museums Association, NEMO, ICOM…
On 29 June 2020, NEMO presented its research and report on COVID-19’s impact on the museum sector at the online conference Middle-…
On 2 July 2020, NEMO was invited to present its COVID-19 research and the strategies that museums have adopted to connect with…