A Flash Eurobarometer study about tourism, published in November 2021, shows that a majority of European Union citizens expect the Covid-19 pandemic to have long-term effects on their travel behaviour. 38% predict that they will…
With news of new restrictions across Europe, NEMO reached out to its members for an update on the situation for museums 1,5 years into the pandemic. The feedback from 28 countries show that several European countries demand masks…
On 27 October 2021, NEMO Secretary General, delivered a presentation about crisis response and digital development by European…
The Irish Museums Association has published its annual journal, Museum Ireland Vol. 27. It is an important record of the Irish museum landscape in 2020 with articles lending insight into how the pandemic and Brexit have impacted…
On 7 October 2021, NEMO Secretary General gave a keynote speech on the impact of Covid-19 on museums in Europe and the long-term…
The Erasmus+ funded project The GLAMers has published a study on the digital engagement with youth by GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) during the pandemic. A series of interactive online sessions will be…
On 22 September 2021, the Swedish Museums Association published a report of visits to Swedish museums during the summer (June - August) 2021. 4.3 million museum visits took place in summer 2021, compared to 3 million in 2020 and 7…
The Netherlands Museums Association urges the government to allocate additional emergency support and recovery plan to museums throughout 2022. Government support for sectors hit hard by the pandemic is due to finish at the end of…
NEMO Secretary General Julia Pagel shared her thoughts in the online debate “Should all museums be free to the public?" together with Member of Parliament Niklas Nienaß and hosted by Debating Europe.