Person in profle looking contemplatively at a human skull that is placed on a small table.
Register to NEMO Webinar on Emotion Design and making museums meaningful

On 17 October from 11:00-12:00 CEST, the next NEMO Webinar will take place. Pepijn Wilbers, Studio Louter, will explain how to use Emotion Design to create well-crafted exhibitions that evoke meaningful emotions in museum…

News from our members

  • Find out what’s happening in the European museum community.
CrowdHeritage launch event in Athens

Join the launch of the crowdsourcing platform CrowdHeritage in Athens, Greece, on 11 February 2020. NEMO is part of the advisory board of the platform, which crowdsources and enriches metadata in the cultural heritage domain.

Cathrine Magnant is appointed as Head of Unit for Cultural Policy

Cathrine Magnant, the former Head of the Task Force implementing the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, has been appointed…

Croatia takes over the EU presidency from 1 January - 30 June 2020

The presidency will be the first one for Croatia since the country joined the European Union in 2013.

Funding for Creative Europe at risk

From 12-13 December 2019, the future of Creative Europe 2021-2027 is being determined by the EU Heads of State and governments. It…

NEMO attends a meeting on digital cultural…

On 10 December 2019, NEMO attended a DG CONNECT meeting for international experts, organisations and networks on digital for cultural heritage and current development in the digital cultural heritage sector in Brussels, Belgium.

NEMO stands behind a call to allow the use of nitrogen for the protection of…

NEMO joins ICOM and ICOMOS’ appeal to all museums, memory institutions and heritage professionals in the European Union to join…

 One person is taking picture of another person who is taking a picture of a painting. They are photographed from the back.
Guidelines on how to implement the DSM…

Communia has released guidelines for the implementation of the DSM Directive. The guidelines are helpful to museums as well as other cultural organisations to understand the implications of the EU Digital Single Market Strategy.…

Museums association directors met to learn how to navigate the EU policy and…

On 7 November 2019, right before NEMO’s European Museum Conference 2019, the first NEMO Directors' Meeting took place at the…

President-elect recognises culture in the EU agenda

On 27 November 2019, President-elect Ursula von der Leyen announced the title of Commissioner-designate Mariya Gabriel's portfolio…