Julia Pagel, the Secretary General of NEMO, delivered the presentation which highlighted perspectives and needs of the museum sector.
Pagel pointed out how the digital transformation of museums took a big leap at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and that museums continue to explore digital opportunities to the fullest. Afterall, NEMO’s Covid-19 survey from 2020 showed that 93% of museums had increased or started a new online service since the onset of the pandemic. The online museum visitors got used to digital offers and museums should sustain this demand. However, the survey also clearly revealed a sector in need of help to manage with digital. The ECCCH is, according to Pagel, an excellent tool to support museums in their continued digital transition and to improve their digital skills.
Pagel proposes that the following is considered when developing the Cloud to ensure high participation by museum professionals. Make sure the ECCCH:
- Supports and develops digital infrastructure and skills, for example in helping museums to deal with Intellectual Property Rights.
- Increases the quality of online services to be able to compete with other tools on the internet.
- Understands and diversify digital audiences.
- Provides tools that help measure if museums’ digital activities are successful.
- Helps museums find ways to monetize their online offers.
Learn more about funding opportunities under the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage at a virtual matchmaking event on 28 March 2023. The event follows up the information day and will focus on fostering partnerships among research institutions, cultural heritage entities and other organisations interested in participating in proposals for the ECCCH call of 2023.