NEMO was thrilled to offer some of its members an introduction to new self-evaluation framework that is being developed by MOI. They got a preview of how the framework can be used to assess and develop the impact of individual museums and improving their institution's impact. The final framework will be released to the public at the end of 2022.
The first speaker Agnes Aljas, researcher and curator who has been working with contemporary collecting and visitor studies at the Estonian National Museum, gave an introduction to the idea of impact in museums.
She was followed by Pirjo Hamari who presented the MOI! project and the evaluation framework. She is an experienced heritage professional and has been working with heritage management and policy-related questions at the Finnish Heritage Agency and is the leader of the MOI! Museums of Impact project.
Afterward the presentations, smaller groups discussed the following topics and exchanged experience from their museum work:
- Societal relevance as an impact area
- Communities and shared heritage as an impact area
- Sustainable and Resilient Societies
- Relevant and Reliable Knowledge