The EYS programme will include several opportunities to engage in discussions, to learn from each other and to promote work in the field of skills development. Skills-related activities can be found in the interactive Events Map on the main page of the website of the European Year of Skills.
Organisers of events on skills developments are encouraged by the Commission to add them to the map, by submitting them through a survey. Furthermore, the Commission encourage usage of the hashtag #EuropeanYearOfSkills when sharing updates on social media and welcome people to use the official Communication Toolkit. If you wish to be kept up-to-date on the preparations for the Year and activities, consider subscribing to the newsletter here.
On a national level, Member States have been invited to appoint a national coordinator to be responsible for representing a government-wide view, coordinating activities and stakeholders at national and regional levels, and promoting EU level activities on the European Year of Skills.
NEMO is, among other, contributing to the EYS and the ongoing work of increasing skills by being an active contributor to CHARTER - the European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance. The CHARTER Alliance project aims to create a lasting, comprehensive sectoral skills strategy to guarantee that Europe has the necessary cultural heritage skills to support sustainable societies and economies, including transversal competences such as digital/technological and green/blue economy skills.