Under the theme “Reaching out to the heritage community”, the meeting mainly focused on identifying gaps and needs in cultural heritage labour market and consequences for the education and training sector. Participants also got an overview of the cultural heritage landscape in Austria and they were asked to give input on various deliverables produced by the working packages that make up the project consortium.
The third day was open to external cultural heritage stakeholders to gather their feedback on the CHARTER Alliance and the work carried out so far. It was the first time that external stakeholders were invited to join a CHARTER meeting. The next opportunity will take place in Rome in connection to the next General Meeting, running from 28-30 November.
NEMO was especially thrilled to learn more about UNESCO’s report Museum Training Worldwide that maps 500+ museum education programmes around the world. François Mairesse (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3) shared that the majority of educational programmes can be found in the USA and western Europe and that most programmes are held in English.
- Find more details about the meeting in an article on CHARTER’s website.