Usually only open to members of GEM, the partnership allows the selected NEMO participants to benefit from the expertise of GEM’s mentors. The mentors are senior museum professionals from across the United Kingdom who volunteer their time to support the career development of sector colleagues, typically those who perform learning functions within their organisations.
Since GEM launched the One to One Mentoring Programme in Spring 2020 it has facilitated over 250 mentoring partnerships. The programme was set up to support GEM members of any age/skill level who have a learning role in museums and heritage sites during the pandemic - a particularly difficult time for the sector. GEM’s main mission is to support and empower museum and cultural heritage profesionals to connect and develop their knowledge and skills to deliver learning in museums
In a joint press release, GEM expresses that “this is a fantastic opportunity for GEM mentors to support and guide mentees from other European countries, and to deepen connections with museum organisations overseas.”
NEMO Secretary General Julia Pagel looks forward to the partnership: “We are thrilled to launch this scheme as it adds a new layer to NEMO’s capacity building offers for members and the European museum sector at large. NEMO’s cooperation with GEM will provide emerging professionals connected to our member organisations with an excellent opportunity to develop their individual capacities via one-to-one mentoring sessions.”
More details and the call for participants will be launched in the beginning of 2022.
- Read the full press release.