#MuseumsforFuture is a global movement of museum workers, cultural heritage professionals, and many others to support the #FridaysForFuture movement with positive actions. It is time to put museums’ potential into action.
The hashtag #MuseumsforFuture unites the movement and museum professionals are encouraged to tweet or post with the hashtag to show their commitment for the climate.
On 29 November, the global #MuseumsforFuture community hopes to see 5000 museum professionals out on the streets or that they in other ways will support the Global Climate Strike. A list of 10 low-threshold actions that museums can do to support climate action and the strike was released today to show museums how easy it is to join and be part of creating a better and greener future.
The #MuseumsforFuture newsletter will keep the newly started museum climate community informed on future climate actions and suggestions of ways to support. Sign up to the newsletter on www.museumsforfuture.org.
- More about NEMO’s European Museum Conference 2019: Sharing recipes for a better future, which takes place from 7-10 November 2019 at the Estonian National Museum in Tartu.