The EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) for Culture & Creativity is looking to fund activities that have the potential to increase entrepreneurship, innovation capacity and accelerate the competitiveness of European Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI) and Europe’s Green, Digital and Social Transitions.
Up to 10.45 million euro is available for 2024 for all CCSI stakeholders active in the EU member states and Associated Member states of the Horizon Europe programme. A second call for proposals will be published in the second half of 2023 for activities starting mid-2024 and in 2025.
EIT Culture & Creativity
EIT Culture & Creativity is the ninth Innovation Community by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. It is designed to strengthen and transform Europe’s Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI) by connecting creatives and organisations to Europe’s largest innovation network. It takes a holistic and open approach to innovation – from tech to artistic driven innovations, from business to citizen driven – and reinforces the appreciation and anchoring of European values and identities.
EIT Culture & Creativity will unlock latent value from a multitude of small CCSI stakeholders through technology transfer, improved cross-sectoral collaboration and their effective integration in production value networks. EIT Culture & Creativity will support technology and business innovation; artistic innovation and social innovation. It will also harness the unique position of the CCSI to facilitate the Triple Transitions in Europe – green, digital and social.