A total of 24 million euro are allocated for the four areas of eInvoicing, eTranslation, Europeana and Public Open Data. The goal is to foster developments that improve the daily lives of citizens, businesses and public administrations, and thereby contribute to the development of a Digital Single Market.
2 million euro are made available for projects relating to Europeana. The <link https: ec.europa.eu inea sites files external-link-new-window external link in new>call is strongly tied to the<link https: ec.europa.eu inea sites files c_2017_696_f1_annex_en_v3_p1_875665.pdf external-link-new-window external link in new> CEF Work Programme 2017, particularly point 3.1, which wants to increase the availability and accessibility of digital heritage across borders, but also their usability to contribute to the economy. The latter point is also part of the current <link http: www.ne-mo.org news article nc nemo public-consultation-on-the-review-of-the-directive-on-the-re-use-of-public-sector-information external-link-new-window external link in new>PSI Directive discussion.
Proposals have to be submitted through the proposal submission system and include the different <link https: ec.europa.eu inea en connecting-europe-facility cef-telecom apply-funding external-link-new-window external link in new>application forms.
The call is open until 28 November 2017, 17.00h CET/Brussels time.