After <link http: news article nc nemo shortlist-for-children-in-museums-award-2017-announced external link in new>announcing the shortlist for the Children in Museums Award 2017 at the beginning of July, the European Museum Academy and Hands On! International have opened the call for applications for the 2018 awards.
Applications are welcome from children's museums; education children and youth departments in museums; and from specialist subject museums with a particular emphasis on children's programming.
Museums may be long-established or recently opened. However, priority is given to programmes which display recent innovation. The project entered for the Award must be current and open for viewing in the judging year. The entry fee is 250 Euro, 200 Euro for members of Hands On! International.
The pre-selected museums will be announced in July 2018, the award ceremony will take place in October 2018.
Further information, requirements and the application form can be found <link http: award apply-for-the-award-2018 external-link-new-window external link in new>here. Applications must be submitted until 1 March 2018.